Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Stonewall General Election blooper

Stonewall have published their list of questions for candidates at the general election:

If you're elected at the next election, what will you do to ensure
homophobic bullying is tackled in our local schools? 
Hate Crime
Homophobic hate crimes are on the increase across the country. What will
you do to ensure lesbian and gay people can feel safe in their local area?

Equality Act
Will you - and your party  - commit to ensuring full implementation of
important measures in the forthcoming Equality Act, which would benefit
lesbian and gay people? 
Public Services
All too often, gay men and women face second class treatment by the public
services their taxes help to fund. What do you propose to do to address

What steps will your party take to ensure that those seeking asylum on the
grounds of their sexual orientation are assessed fairly and compassionately?

Will your party ensure that the UK continues to promote LGB equality
internationally through British embassies and High Commissions?

Civil Partnership Recognition
Will your party take steps to ensure recognition of UK civil partnerships
by other European states? 
Blood donation
Do you support the current life ban which bars all men who have ever had
sex with another man from donating blood?
That's quite a lot of "lesbian and gay" without any reference to bisexuals in the first few questions, so I've dropped them a note to enquire about the whys and wherefores.

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