I used to do a little map of the UK in
BCN with spots where the local bi groups were.

It filled up some space on the listings page to mask how little social and support space there was out there.
It's grown a bit lately. Now it goes something like this...
(The map is actually from the
BiCon 2013 Survey Report; purple splodges are where there were bi groups at the time, pink where they have emerged since. Gold for Edinburgh which hosted that BiCon and has had a bi group since that weekend)
The main population centre missing out is the North East coast - somewhere round Newcastle, is surely crying out for some bi space by now. Yet we haven't had a group in the NE since whenever ComBiNE was meeting - around 1998 I suspect without combing the back numbers of BCN to check.
The other noticeable gaps are round Oxford and - now that the Northern England population belt has broken out of "just Manchester" perhaps Liverpool.