Tuesday, 15 February 2011

BCN banner

How about a nice little "subscribe to BCN" button? Suit your blog's weblinks down to a tee!
Looks like so:
Example code:
<a href='http://bicommunitynews.co.uk/subscribe'>
<img alt='' height='62' id='Image3_img' src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwhBNuE8xT1gkL1YGnqtR9IuvwRuIjH-WJsZIKPp73SbMCSELCpuplzVOIHTJcfPEOyzPBZqP2xwrELkMJtMKVAnFp1I1Qh4jeNXwU8dBsy1tbu91GUp2u9QxYp0i1JEw3fyAEGai7I3MR/s214/bcn-subnow.png' width='214'/>


  1. It's on Wombat now (which is sorely due an update after the week I've had!). But I couldn't quite get your example code to work, for some reason (I think the link worked, but no picture), so ended up extracting something which confusingly looks very similar
    from the page source, and that works fine.

  2. It's easiest to just save the image and upload it to your own blog / website / whatever. I might replace the sample code with wurblier instructions to that effect :)
