Tuesday, 25 August 2009

BiCon went really well

I think there were about 230-240 people this year: very good for Worcester, where there isn't the kind of pool of local people that Manchester or London can soak up to boost attendance "on the day".

I'd put in to run two sessions, one of which was taken: the CoverBis session. I'm pleased to say we seem to have a good pool of pretty new coverbi images for BCN for the coming year :) It also seemed to go OK so far as putting photographees at their ease is concerned - wasnt sure how rusty I'd be as the last few years other people have led on this session.

The one not taken was on running local bi groups. Ah well, it's been done most years recently.


  1. I really wanted to attend; deadlines prevented me doing so - what a shame. Hopefully next year I can run a session or something fun!

  2. There'll be lots more going on next year too with the International being sandwiched into a UK BiCon.
